Meet the incredibly talented Navajo member, Naiomi Glasses. She is the sixth generation of weavers in her family.

Manuelito was a Navajo chief when the United States military moved through and destroyed Navajo land. The US military forcibly relocated 8,000 nation members. Manuelito and 4,000 other Navajo people took to the mountains and hid for two years. When they surrendered, they were taken to the same reservation as their nation members. Manuelito visited Washington D.C. to discuss the terrible conditions Navajo people were living with at the reservation. He convinced US government leaders to let the Navajo move to a new reservation located in their homeland.
Making Connections
The Navajo people spend a lot of time outside with their clans. Do you ever spend time with friends and family outside? Do you enjoy it? What do you do outside?
Have you read another book about an American Indian nation? How is their culture similar to or different from the Navajo people?
In the 1800s, the Navajo were forced from their homeland. Can you think of any other groups of people who were forced from their homes? Did they get to go back like some Navajo did?