Fried dough is a popular dessert all over the world. Which of these deep-fried desserts do you want to try?

Deep-fried desserts are a staple at county and state fairs throughout the United States. One of the biggest State Fairs is the Minnesota State Fair, with more than 1.9 million visitors in 2024. The Fair has every type of deep-fried dessert that people could dream of. Deep-Fried Candy Bars serves all the most popular candy bars, such as Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Snickers, and Nut Goodies, deep-fried and on a stick!
Making Connections
Do you like deep-fried desserts? If so, what is your favorite kind?
Have you read any other books about food from around the world? What did you learn from those books that was not in this one?
What are some other ways, besides dessert, that countries and cultures from around the world are special and different from one another?