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Watch kids try frozen desserts from around the world. Which dessert do you think you would like?

Soft Serve is a variety of ice cream. Soft Serve has the same ingredients as traditional ice cream, however it has different amounts of those ingredients. Soft Serve contains around 3-6% butterfat while ice cream contains at least 10%. Soft Serve contains between 30% and 60% air while ice cream can have more. Soft Serve and ice cream are also churned and stored at different temperatures. When ready to serve, Soft Serve is dispensed from a special machine.

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Making Connections


Do you like frozen desserts? If so, what is your favorite kind?


Have you read any other books about food from around the world? What did you learn from those books that was not in this one?


What are some other ways, besides dessert, that countries and cultures from around the world are special and different from one another?

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