Big waves often curl over on themselves. Surfers call this process breaking. When a wave breaks, a spray of white water curls down from its top. A hollow area forms between the main wave and the water falling down in front of it. Surfers call this hollow area the tube or the barrel. They often glide through this part of a wave.

The sport of kiteboarding has taken off in recent decades. In this form of surfing, people stand on small surfboards. A kite flies above them. The kite catches wind high in the sky. It pulls the surfers across the water. Several strong lines connect this kite to a control bar. Surfers grip this bar tightly. They use it to steer.
Making Connections
Would you want to surf at a beach in Hawaii? Why or why not?
Have you read about other sports or activities that involve water? In what parts of the world are those activities common?
How might surfing have been different in ancient times? How might it be different in the future?
Teacher Resources
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