The myth of Pandora’s Box teaches that not all curiosity is a good thing. What do you think?

Achilles was a hero of the Trojan War. He was the son of a human king and a sea nymph. When Achilles was born, his mother was worried for his safety. She held him by his ankle and dipped him in the River Styx. The river’s water made it so nothing could hurt him. But he could still hurt the ankle that never touched the water.
Achilles grew to be the strongest, bravest, and most handsome warrior in the Greek army. He was never defeated in battle during the Trojan War. But after it was done, the Prince of Troy, Paris, shot him in the ankle and killed him as an act of revenge. Apollo had told Paris where Achilles could be hurt.
Making Connections
If you lived at the time of ancient Greeks, which god or goddess do you think you would have worshipped? Please explain why.
Have you read any other books about ancient mythologies? If so, what did those mythologies have in common with Greek myths?
Greek mythology is still mentioned in books, TV shows, movies, and music. With the help of an adult, look up pieces of entertainment inspired by Greek mythology. Write a short paragraph about what you found and which myths are referenced.