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The Hindu god Ganesha has the head of an elephant. Learn how he got his head in this myth.

The Ramayana and Mahabharata are epic poems that tell the stories of Hindu gods and heroes. Arjuna is the hero of the Mahabharata. He is the son of the storm god Indra. Arjuna had four brothers. Together they are called the Pandavas. Arjuna represents the best parts of humanity. He is courageous, strong, humble, and intelligent. He performs his duties well. He also chooses to do the right thing even if it is hard.

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Which form of Brahman do you find most interesting? Please explain your answer.


Have you read about a different ancient mythology? If so, what did it have in common with Hindu mythology?


Hinduism and its stories are a part of the oldest religion in the world. Why do you think people have followed the religion for so long?

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