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Learn more about how Loki’s tricks lead to Baldur’s death.

At the bottom of Yggradsil lies Urdarbrunnr. It is one of three water wells that feed the world tree. The well is named after Urd, one of the three Norns who choose the fates of the Norse gods and men. Urdarbrunnr is a meeting place for the gods. Odin took out his own eye and gave it to the well to gain ultimate wisdom.

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Making Connections


Which Norse god were you most interested in? Please explain your answer.


Have you read about a different ancient mythology? If so, what did it have in common with Norse mythology?


Many ancient mythologies have stories about tricksters such as the Norse god Loki. With the help of an adult, look up a trickster from a different mythology online. Write a few sentences about how they are similar to or different from Loki.

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