Most moths land on flowers to sip nectar. But some hover in front of flowers while they eat. One example is the hummingbird moth. This moth often pollinates honeysuckle and bee balm plants. It hovers near their flowers. The moth flaps its wings very quickly to stay in one place.

Moths and butterflies can be hard to tell apart. One main difference is their antennae. Butterfly antennae have a club tip at the end. Moth antennae are thin and feathery. Another difference is how they fold their wings. Butterflies fold their wings straight up. Moths fold their wings down over their bodies like a tent.
Making Connections
Have you seen moths before? If so, what kinds? If not, where might you find them?
Have you read books about other insects? What do they have in common with moths? How are they different?
Moths use their wing colors and patterns to blend in. What is another way animals can stay safe from predators?
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