Dr. Binocs explains the difference between a meteoroid, a meteor, and a meteorite.

About 66 million years ago, an asteroid collided with the Earth near the Yucatán Peninsula. The asteroid was roughly the size of Mt. Everest. It became known as Chicxulub. It’s impact with Earth is widely believed to have killed the dinosaurs. The impact caused tidal waves, fires, and debris and ash to spread across the sky and block sunlight. Dinosaurs near the impact died immediately. Others died later from lack of food.
Making Connections
How would you prepare to watch a meteor shower? Think about where you would go, who you would bring with, and what supplies you would need.
Have you read any books about other space objects? If so, how were those objects similar to or different from asteroids and meteors?
With the help of an adult, look up a historical meteor impact on Earth. Write a few sentences describing what you learned about the impact.