This fun song introduces the planets of the solar system. Can you name them all?

For a long time, our solar system was considered to have had nine planets. The ninth planet was Pluto. However, in 2006, scientists changed Pluto’s classification to a dwarf planet. Pluto is 1,400 miles (2,380km) wide. It is smaller than Earth’s moon. Pluto takes 248 Earth years to orbit the Sun. It is a very cold planet because it is so far away from the Sun.
Making Connections
Besides Earth, which planet are you most interested in? Please explain your answer.
Have you read any other books about space objects? If so, how were those objects similar to or different from planets?
Scientists study and explore space. Some are trying to find a way to send humans to Mars. Why do you think scientists want to visit Mars? Do you think there are other planets scientists should visit?